Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tips on Choosing the Correct Electric Guitar for Yourself

If you are, or wish to be, an electric guitarist, you would know that one of the most difficult tasks awaiting you is the selection of your electric guitar. No matter what your level of interest and your achieved expertise in the guitar, the art of choosing the right guitar for yourself remains complicated and challenging for the simple reason that it could play an integral role in producing the signature tone and style that you might hope to originate as your distinctive mark. The fundamental design is more or less a constant in the various makes of electric guitars available in the market. The standard construction is along the lines of: a body, the neck, the head stock piece, electrical pickups and the bridge.The crucial part in which the electric guitar differs from the acoustic version is in its use of the amplifier. The amplifier is a device required to broadcast the sound produced in the guitar: every pluck of the strings is captured by the pickups and routed through the amplifier at which point several differing sound effects can be introduced.The two most important factors that you would have to consider at the time of buying the electric guitar for yourself are price and sound.Electric guitars are available for a wide range of prices, from as low as 99 to as high as 20,000 dollars. Thus, having an idea of your budget limits is very useful. A beginner should preferably look for a starters kit which would include instruction manuals along with the guitar and the amplifier.When it comes to determine the nature and quality of sound by which you could select your guitar within your price zone, it is handy to know the different types of electric guitars, the variations in their designs and the differences in their sound output.Electric guitars are grouped under four broad divisions: we have the Acoustic-Electric, the Electric, the Hollow Body Electric and the Steel Electric guitar, and each category of guitar produces a distinct sound.The acoustic-electric guitar is an acoustic guitar with in-built pickups which can be plugged up with an amplifier or a public address system. These are sturdy and durable, relatively uncomplicated in design and simple to maintain, and are among the most popular kinds of guitars for touring bands. The electric guitar usually has a solid wood body which means that the sound is only produced through the pickup mechanism. Additionally the amplifier is used to increase or decrease volume and for generating sound effects. These are generally the most popular models among beginners and prices range from 99 dollars and upwards. Almost all the reputed guitar manufacturers like Fender and Gibson market their own electric guitar kits for beginners, comprising a guitar, an amplifier and how-to- get-started manuals.The hollow body electric guitar follows the same lines of construction as the traditional electric guitar, except for one essential variation. The hollow-body guitar, as the name implies, has two chambers hollowed out of the wooden body. This enables the guitar to generate acoustic vibrations over and above the electric ones and thereby results in the delivery of a uniquely resonating sound. These types of guitars are generally used by Jazz musicians and come in several sizes and tones.The other kind of electrical guitar is the steel guitar, and was popularized by Jeff Healey. These are so dissimilar in design to traditional guitars that many years of specialized practice is usually necessary to learn how to properly perform on them. Unlike the normal guitar which is played while being hung from the player's neck around his or her shoulders, the steel guitar, is played on its back while being laid out on a platform before the player. The guitar strings on this variety are usually raised above the fret board and require the use of a "tone bar". A tone bar is a cylindrical tube that is worn on the middle finger of the fret hand, and produces the characteristic "whine" of the steel guitar. This variety of guitar goes best with the genres of country and western style music.Irrespective of the kind of guitar that you are seeking to buy, it is always advisable that you thoroughly research your options before finalizing your purchase. Take the opinions of experienced guitarists if possible. Otherwise you should at least try and talk to the employees at the local guitar store, and search the internet to get all the information that you need to help identify the exact make and model of guitar is suitable for you. And most importantly: always test the guitar before you buy it. Happy rocking!

How to Use a Guitar Pick

Regardless of whether you are a guitar novice or already have some training in playing the guitar, the following guidelines will prove useful. You shall be told how to properly hold a pick (plectrum). "That's ridiculous!" you may say. "It's so very basic, what's there to know?" But following my instructions could help you improve your guitar play quickly and easily.Picks used to be earlier made from animal bone or tortoise shell, but nowadays they are mostly made of plastic. They come in various sizes and shapes. I recommend beginners to use medium size picks because these are the easiest to play with. This is of course only a suggestion, a general rule of thumb and not an absolute. You might experiment with picks of different shapes, sizes and materials to find out the one most suitable for yourself. Also because picks get easily frayed and perhaps, as easily lost, it is a good idea to keep quite a few picks with you at home. Having a few picks in reserve is not difficult as they are fairly cheap.Let me now tell you the proper way to hold a pick. In the following guidelines, I shall assume that you are a right handed guitar player, i.e. you hold the pick with your right hand.The first step is to hold out your right hand and stretch out the palm with its face open towards the left side of your body. Now lightly clench your fingers onto your palm and place the thumb on the upper side of the first (the biggest) joint of your index finger. Next place the pick into this gap between your thumb and index finger and hold it firm. Do not hold it very tight. Also be careful not to hold either too much or too little of the pick. You should leave uncovered just enough of the tip of the pick for you to strum the strings.Then try to strum the strings slowly one by one, upwards and downwards. Your aim would be to generate clear and sharp notes. In the beginning the pick might just slip from your fingers. Do not be frustrated. Use this exercise to determine exactly how strong your grip on the pick is required to be and how much of the pick is required to be left free. Remember: you can acquire your own rules only with practice.As for the rest of your fingers apart from the thumb and the index finger, you can position them in two ways. You can either keep them in a curled grip or you can leave them loose. Personally, I prefer to leave them loose and extended, because these can then be used for several different purposes. As you gradually acquire more advanced guitar playing skill, you could use these free fingers to pluck the strings at the same time as you use the pick. You can also use these fingers to tap a beat on the body of the guitar, or to use the tremolo mechanism, as also to adjust the volume of your electric guitar.Apart from this, there are three other ways to hold the pick. Although I personally would not recommend them, you might find that those methods suit you better.Some people hold the pick between the thumb and the middle finger. This method allows you to hold the pick firmly and steadily but it makes it difficult for you to use your remaining fingers to strum properly when you require. Alternatively some people place the thumb on the second joint of the index finger to grip the pick. Although this, once again, allows a strong grip, it reduces the flexibility of the picking. And finally, some people use the thumb, the index finger and even the middle finger all together to hold the pick. In this method, since you take up one additional finger to hold the pick, you have only two free fingers to pluck the strings which could possibly handicap your style and make it unsuitable for the more difficult guitar scores.I hope that following my guidelines for holding a pick will prove effective and beneficial for you. I am sure that if you can practice keeping my advice in mind, you shall find playing the guitar that much easier and more productive. Happy playing!

Tips on Learning to Play the Guitar

"I got my first real six-string / Bought it at the five-and-dime / Played 'til my fingers bled / That was the summer of 69" a song almost every guitar aficionado loves. Do you stare at the screen when you watch an Eric Clapton video and watch him move his hands over his six-string at breath-neck speed and wonder when you'll be able to imitate him? Well, begin on an acoustic and then graduate to that electric. We would like to advise you about a few key things before you can start with guitar lessons.The most important decision for a novice is to choose the perfect instrument. You need a trained eye for that, and if you know any friend who's a pro, he could lend you expert guidance while purchasing the guitar. Acoustic guitars come in various sizes - standard and jumbo. Expert advice on online forums and newsgroups on which would suit your needs best is also encouraged. We would say that a second hand guitar would be a cheap option for you while still are a beginner, to practice and learn the basics and then graduate. New guitars should be thoroughly checked before being bought.Do you have a short attention span? Do you live in a very noisy environment? Generally, noisy urban surroundings may hinder your learning skills, since acoustic guitars are very soft, and needs a quiet atmosphere to get a feel of the instrument. Also, daily dedicated practice is a must for any beginner trying to learn the basics! That means, no more whining, since 10 minutes is all you need a day to get a hang of things and fiddling around with your new instrument, trying to play your favorite song on it would do you a lot of good.Have you planned out your learning method? A strict routine is very important if you want to achieve certain goals. You might feel that you have developed a kink in your brain and that however much you are trying to cramp chords, finger placements and notes into your head, the results are negligible. Guitar practice may seem monotonous and a big waste of time, but have you considered taking a break between sessions? This way, you can let off some work pressure and relax your muscles before you get back to another serious session of practicing.Budding guitarists tend to overestimate themselves and set difficult tasks for themselves. Having had a taste of how Clapton or Hendrix used to strum their guitars, most people like you start off with difficult tasks, which definitely turn out disastrously awry! It is always advised that you start off slow and steady, setting yourself easy targets and schedules and gradually moving on to tougher tasks.Do you wish your audience was wonder struck and enraptured by your performance? Do you dream of becoming a famous rock guitarist? Well, starting early means you could surely stand a chance! Happy strumming!

How Would You Like To Get Violin Lessons Online?

The Internet has taken great strides in making our lives easier. Sometimes I wonder if it has made it a little too easy! Well now the Internet has gone one step further. How would you like to "hire" an instructor to teach you how to play the violin online through videos? Too good to be true? Or is it!?! I wouldn't lie, you can actually do this and it wont cost you an arm and a leg. Technically you wouldn't hire him though. I'm sure your thinking, "what in the world is she talking about?" Well it just so happens that I know of a way you really can learn how to play the violin, online, with videos, and an instructor. Its called Video Lessons Online. What you do, is you buy a package. This package comes with a few different things; first and foremost your "instructor", hundreds of different videos, exercises, how to read sheet music and much more!Can you imagine hiring a professional violinist to come to your home? That would cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars. And, on top of that, with an instructor that comes to your house you would have to keep paying for lessons whereas with these video packages, you pay once, and that's it. No fees. No bills. No writing out checks for next month's lessons. Notta. Plus with these e-instructors you can take lessons whenever you want, have it be 300am or 700pm he or she will always be available to you.So who are these e-instructors exactly? Are they just a bunch of inexperienced people? No, not at all. Actually I saw a site online today that actually had professional violinist, Eric Lewis as the main instructor. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of knowing Professor Lewis, he is the world renowned first violinist of the Manhattan String Quartet of 40 years! This guy is really someone. No joke! He definitely isn't just some guy that wants to show you how to strum a few chords. He wants to actually sit you down and teach you everything he knows about his favorite instrument, the violin! This is a really cool opportunity for you or anyone you know that is interested in learning how to play the violin!

Learn To Play The Violin Online

Violins are one of the most beautiful instruments anyone can own or play. A little history behind the violin; The violin is a bowed string instrument with four strings tuned in perfect fifths. It is the smallest and highest-pitched member of the violin family of string instruments, which also includes the viola and cello. A violin is sometimes informally referred to as a "fiddle." The word violin comes from the Romance Languages from the Middle Latin word "Vitual" which means "stringed instrument." The word Vitual is also believed to be the Germanic source of "fiddle."Did you know that you can actually take lessons online through video programs to learn how to play the violin? Pretty amazing if you ask me! From way back when, the one instrument I have always wanted to play was a violin. So, why didn't I ever get into it? Well my main problem was it always looked so confusing to play. If you have had someof the same feelings as me, then these online lessons just may be the answer for you!There are several different sites you can visit as well as different packages you can buy to learn how to play some of your very own masterpieces on the violin. This sites allow you to buy and download these packages which include hundreds of videos. These packages also include other things besides videos such as jam tracks, exercises, scales and cards, and step by step instructions.

rocky music

It is senseless to live without music and real music is impossible without great musicians. Have you heard about such legendary names as Tom Petty, Kenny Chesney, Keney West and Jimmy Buffet? Names of these people are already included in the history of music.
Tom Petty is a singer, guitarist and song writer who plays rock music. He was born and grew up in Gainesville, Florida. He became interested in rock at the age of 11 when he met
Elvis Presley. His recording career began with the album “Tom Petty and the heartbreakers”. This album was not very popular, but second album “You’re Gonna Get It!” entered the top 40 albums in the USA.Kanye West is the most famous American rap performer and hip-hop producer. He released his first album in 2004; it was called “The College Dropout”. In 2007 he released his third album “Graduation”. All his albums got a lot of awards including several Grammys. Keney was born in Atlanta, Georgia. In 2002 he got into car accident and it inspired him to write his first single “Through the Wire”. In 2004 he was recognized as “the best new artist”.Kenny Chesney is one of the brightest representatives of country music. He was born in Knoxville, Tennessee. Kenny recorded thirteen albums and all of them were recognized by Recording Industry Association of America.Jimmy Buffet is a businessman who is 62. He is also successful singer and song writer. His band is called “the Coral reefer Band”. Jimmy began his music career in Nashville, Tennessee as a country artist and in the end of 1960-ies and in 1970 he released his firs album “Down to Earth”. In general Buffet released more then 30 albums. Last one was released in October, 2007.